A Welcoming Atmosphere at St Martha

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Our patroness St. Martha is smiling to know that we are firing up a Greeter program again.  More than ever, we will be rewarded in the coming year and beyond for ensuring everyone who comes to Mass experiences the famous St. Martha hospitality from their very first impression.

The main elements of the Greeter program are as follows:

  1. We will have two individuals or two couples (so from 2 to 4 people) at each of the North and South entrances for each Mass.  Up to 32 total slots to fill each weekend.
  2. There will be specifically assigned individuals to each Mass and each door.
  3. The Greeters will have a name tag and/or badge.
  4. The Greeters will be in place beginning 15 minutes before Mass.
  5. The same Greeters will be in place from after communion until 15 minutes following Mass.
  6. There will be a dress code of sorts: Sportcoats or better for the men; the women probably don’t need one, but we’ll come up with something if needed.


Over the summer we will start signing people up and working out the kinks for scheduling, training, name tags, etc.  Training may seem unnecessary for saying “Hello!” to people, but when you consider the type and nature of questions and situations a Greeter is likely to encounter, it’s a valuable part of the program.  People will naturally gravitate to Greeters for questions about . . .  everything; probably even when you aren’t on duty. We expect coverage may be spotty this summer, achieving full staff by September. Brennan Hayden is coordinating this important program.  Expect to hear from him, and if you want to be proactive and identify yourself as a member of the Greeter team, email Brennan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 517-505-7300.  Thanks.